Roasted Peaches

roasted peaches.jpg


  • 1 kg of fresh peaches

  • 1/3 cup honey

  • 50g butter

  • 3 sprigs of thyme

  • Dollop of Schulz organic yoghurt


  1. Line your roasting dish with baking paper, turn the oven on to 160 degrees.

  2. Place the sprigs of thyme across the bottom of the roasting dish, this will add a nice aromatic scent to your peaches.

  3. Slice your peaches in half, remove the stone and add a cube of butter to the middle of each peach, pop them into your dish. Drizzle the honey over the top of the peaches and cover with foil.

  4. Place in the oven and slowly cook for approx 20 - 25 mins. Remove the foil 5 mins prior to removing from the oven just to brown up the top of your peaches.Continue to cook until they become nice and tender to touch.

  5. Serve slightly warm or refrigerate to cool, add a dollop of yoghurt to enjoy.